Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Solar Panals - Seen in Coral Gables in the 1940's? Here's my Soap Box.

I was surprised to see an old photo of my Gables listing at 435 Giralda Avenue from the 1940's, with solar panals.  Frankly I didn't think they were used 70 years ago.  Due to a shortage of building materials during the WWII period, several homes built in the Gables were equipped with the panals.
Photo of 435 Giralda Ave from 1940's with Solar Panals

Photo of 435 Giralda Ave. in 2010, Listed at $350,000.
One may wonder why we aren't using more solar energy today.  I did some research and found a few interesting facts. Solar energy has been harnesed for over 100 years.  In this photo below are solar collectors 15 miles south of Cairo, Egypt in 1912. These were invented by Frank Shuman of Philidelphia.  Heat collected in the solar collectors energized and sent out 6000 gallons of water per minute, irrigating vast areas of desert land. 

With the outbreak of WWI, efforts ceased. After the war, large areas of oil were discovered in the region, and the allure of limitless solar energy faded.  Now with the oil spill in the Gulf, maybe the powers that be will be convinced to get back to utilizing solar power as a primary energy source.  

New pioneers are realizing the public's interest and desire for clean, renewable energy sources including solar and wind power, and this alone will create the demand needed for it to be a realization.  According to, the U.S. is expected to support more than 440,000 perminant, full time jobs in the solar industry by 2016.  The next go-around of development in Miami should include green building standards and conservation of our natural resources, which seems to be the ecomonical way to do business.
Windmills in Copenhagen

Using solar and wind energy, the most abundant energy sources in the world, helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels and directly reduces polutants: CO 2 emissions and oil spills.  You can't argue with that one anymore.

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