Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Is Columbus Day Really A Holiday???

Columbus Day was coming, which jogged my memory to think about how I never got that day off while in my previous corporate job, so I didn't feel that taking the day off now was the right thing to do. As a Realtor I seem to work many weekend days anyhow, so what is another holiday, right?

My bank was open, and everything seemed to be business as usual. I still had to drive 15 mph by my house for the school zone. Sure didn't' feel like a holiday to me. But then, there is the whole question about counting business days... do we count it or not? The bank teller told me that even though I could deposit a check, withdraw money, and speak to the bank on Columbus Day, the bank won't count that as part of their 5 day check hold because "It's a holiday".

While talking to one of my colleagues about a contract we have on a property, he said the buyer has an 8 day inspection period "not counting weekends or holidays". The big debate was - to count or not to count Christopher Columbus (day). I recently saw a program on the History Channel speaking of a theory that the Vikings actually set foot on America more than 500 years before Columbus. I am not about ruining traditions. We still have Thanksgiving, where we can remember to be grateful for what we have. What are your thoughts about Columbus Day? Many here flock to the bay for the Columbus Day Regatta, so there is a good tradition to be celebrated.

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